A Calling to Care, with Sr. Mary Scullion

Written by Withology | Jan 22, 2024 1:52:48 AM

For the ninth episode of Withology, Brian is joined by activist, president, director and co-founder of Project HOME, Sister Mary Scullion.



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Project HOME is a non-profit organization that provides housing, opportunities for employment, medical care and education for unsheltered individuals in Philadelphia. Project HOME’s dedication to ending the cycle of homelessness and poverty – co-founded by Sister Mary – has led her to be named one of the “World’s Most Influential People in 2009” by Time Magazine.

As the daughter of Irish immigrants in northeast Philadelphia, Sister Mary grew accustomed to lending her home to those in need. Sister Mary later established herself in service work as an advocate for unsheltered and mentally ill persons through the founding of the first Outreach Coordination Center in America in 1988. One year later, Sister Mary teamed up with Joan Dawson McConnon to create Project HOME, the now nationally recognized organization.

In this episode, Sister Mary delves into her extraordinary philanthropic journey while commemorating those that inspired her passion for helping people, including Jon Bon Jovi. Her journey as a religious sister to Co-Founder of Project HOME exemplifies what it means to turn beliefs into actions.